Zoning of 8210 and 8212 Whipps Mill Rd from residential (R-5) to an office-residential zoning district (OR-1).

A neighborhood meeting about this zoning change will occur on February 10, 2025 at 6:00 pm.  at:

Lyndon City Hall

515 Wood Rd.

Louisville, KY 40222

At this meeting, the proposal will be explained and any concerns or questions will be addressed.

This neighborhood meeting is an opportunity for the applicants and surrounding neighbors to discuss and develop an understanding of the proposal prior to a public hearing. The applicant has 90 days to file a formal application with the Office of Planning from the conclusion of this neighborhood meeting.  If you are interested in this zoning change, please attend the meeting.

Further information, including a map, can be found in the below PDF link:

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